Hear we are!At Jellystone park.You can jump on jumping pillows,and go down a water slide,and
my favorite,golfing! My mom even leted me sit on top of the car to see some fire works!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
When I turned 8 years old, I had a space birthday party!I invited every one in my church class to come, but only Grace, Amen, Seira, and Jonis came.Thare was a spaceship pinata and cake.I got good presents.
I like this ride.The scoby doo ghoster coaster is right next to this ride.Every time I go to Kings Dominion I go on this ride.It is Tayren`s favorite ride.
Disney world is fun.Thar is 4 parks.The 4 parks are called Epcot, Animal kingdom, Disney holy wood studios, and Magic kingdom.Thar is a lot of rides and fun.It is near Christmas.
I love great grandma.I went to her house before.She tock us to the mall,and we rode on the marry go round.Me and Logan slepped in a room with two beds.I played ping pong at great grandma`s house.Again, I love great grandma.
The first time I went to kings dominion,I could not what to go on the scoobydoo ghost er coaster.That day we went to a Dora show.Thar was a lot of rides at kings dominion.
Spencer,Logan,and Aden are the Cole brothers.Logan is the leader.Spencer is a scientist.Aden is cute.Logan plays guitar.Aden plays piano.Spencer plays the drums.The Cole brothers are rook stars.The Cole brothers are on the Disney Chanel. The Cole brothers has a tree house.
When I am 15 I will be going to aunt Trishas house.I am pllaning lots of things,aspeshale to make blue bary pie.Some mornings we wont go anywere.We will have a big pajama party.We will have smores for brekfast.Some nights we will stay up and wach movies.We will eat popcorn and spirt.Some afternoons we will go grocery shopeing for the foods Aunt Trisha dosent have.Some days thir might be snow out side.Then me and AuntTrisha will play in the snow.Some days me and AuntTrisha will wake up relly erly and wach the sun rise.Some mornings I will go to dunkin doghnats and eat doghnats for brekfast.Some nights me and AuntTrisha will sleep in the back yard in a tent.We will read stories and make hand pupites.One afternoon me and AuntTrisha will play with marbles.When it is raining we will play inside games like tic tak toe.Dring the afternoon if its sunny me and AuntTrisha can go to the park. When it is the day I go home for brekfst i will have som pancacs.
On march 14, 2009 I got baptized.My dad baptized me by immersion. I was so happy to be bapized. I felt the holyghost comferting me.I felt good inside.I was all white and clean.